Create Feedback Loops

This pattern discusses the need to have good, quality feedback to allow for personal growth. Often times, the only form of feedback is coming from ourselves and what we have done. As discussed in the article, this can often cause our reflection and feedback to be skewed and biased. If you are on a veryContinue reading “Create Feedback Loops”

Sprint Retrospective We collectively hopped on a discord call and discussed how we wanted the front end to look and how we wanted it to act. Created the guest-list component that would be displayed on our ApproveGuestWebUI. Our sprint team did an exceptional job at coming together towards the end of this semester to putContinue reading “Sprint Retrospective”

Retreat Into Competence

Often times when moving forward in your career, you will end facing many different projects that can seem overwhelming when you do not have the full grasp on it yet. This can cause people to shutdown due to their sheer lack of motivation after being discouraged over and over. This pattern says to help fightContinue reading “Retreat Into Competence”

Sprint Retrospective This is the guest-approval component that I have been working on with Angular material. In the beginning of the Spring before moving entirely remote, I believe we had a good plan set in place in order to be able to accomplish all that we wanted to do. Originally, we were going to have JohnContinue reading “Sprint Retrospective”

Sprint Retrospective Here I am finding out about docker, posted resources to videos for the team. Created a document that highlighted the key commands that would be used for docker containers and images. These are the endpoints that I reviewed and moved to done. From the very beginning of the springContinue reading “Sprint Retrospective”

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